
Friday, November 12, 2004


Well, here goes my first attempt at a blog. I guess that's what I get for staying home alone a few too many hours tonight. I'm not usually the first person in line when there's an opportunity for time alone. I've gotten used to life surrounded by people and commitments that pull me in different directions.

But right now I am five minutes away from a new day with my windows open and crickets chirping (the whole crickets in November thing is a little strange, I must say. Where I come from, they would be frozen five feet under this time of year, but they add nice atmosphere, just the same).

So, getting back on track...

I love fall. The trees outside have changed to yellows and oranges. As my good friend Aspen said, it's a great time for thinking and remembering. Fall always makes me think of college. The colors are the absolute best around our campus, not to mention that great Midwest chill in the air.

I gave up a concert to stay home tonight. I would normally do anything to get to a concert. I guess that shows how much I just needed some time away from it all.

It's been nice...and a good time for beginnings.


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