
Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Real Thing

When I worked in radio, my co-host used to always tell me that you've never really worked in radio until you've been fired. I wasn't sure if this was because he and all of the other people that were on-air at the time had been fired in the last five years from another station in town, or if it was true because a firing would show that you had somehow thought so much outside of the box that you were true to yourself and got canned because of it.

Thankfully, I can say that I have never really worked in radio, even though I was true to myself to the point that I would, from time to time, get complaints from listeners. My favorite complaint was that I was eating a snack of sliced apples and caramel that I bought together in a little bag. The listener said that I was wasting money and it would be cheaper to buy a bag of apples and a large tub of caramel and to divide it up myself. I explained that it was my belief that one should never be using a sharp utensil, such as a knife, at 3am in order to save a little money.

Ironic that we should be talking about this today, because it turns out that my husband has really worked in ministry. And in his case, I couldn't be more proud. I'm not proud because he has now "been there, done that." It's because he did stay true to himself and to God and he really did try his best. I think he made a tiny impact, too. I'm sure of it - and there will be listeners that will be disappointed he's not on the air anymore.

Because, as far as I'm concerned, he is the real thing.


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